Donations & Virtual Run !

Photo du canada
(1 km = $12,50)

Individual Virtual Run

Sign up for the virtual race to start your own racing challenge. You can run with us, without ever being physically with us. You must create an account in the category JE COURS where you can easily accumulate your Kilometers to encourage us while adopting an active life.

If you want to run in real time with us, write us on the "contact" page of our website and we will be happy to let you know where we are!

Sign Up

Fundraising Run For Your Life

Make a donation to encourage the Course for Your Life team. We want to give back to projects or organizations that have the objective of developing education and healthy lifestyles.

The Ultra giving Foundation helps us manage our fundraising. You will receive a tax receipt for 70% of your donation. The remaining 30% will manage our operations during the Crossing of Canada (food, gas, accommodation ...)

Thank you for supporting us !!
La fondation Ultra giving nous aide à gérer notre levée de fonds. Vous recevrez donc un reçu d'impôt pour 70% de votre don. Les 30% restants iront à la gestions de nos opérations pendant la Traversée du Canada (nourriture, essence, hébergement...)

Merci de nous supporter!!


Schols Virtual Run

Form a class team or school or company and start your race challenge. You will be redirected to the virtual racing application. Click to register and the login page will open. You will then have to create an account so that you can log in. Once complete, go add your team and send the passphrase to your members for them to join the team!

New Team


Support Our Project!

If you would like to offer us goods or services, please contact us with details.

You may also make a postal donations through this address!:

122 rue Lewis ouest, Waterloo, J0E 2N0, Québec, Canada

Check to the name of : Cours pour ta vie